Pre-workout is a generic term for a supplement product. It has taken to increase endurance, energy, and focus during a workout. It can help to maximize performance and focus.
Now Days pre-workout considering a vital supplement among the athletes, sports person, body builder and gym goers. This dietary supplement containing ingredients that designed to help enhance athletic performance includes Stimulants, Ergogenic, and Nitric Oxide Boosters. It has sold in powder, capsules, gummies, etc. form.
Pre-Workout efficiency depends on various factors. Which ingredients have been used, the quantity of ingredients, dosage, and effects shown vary from person to person, but most of the studies show that it may enhance muscular endurance and improve performance.
Proven ingredients
- Citrulline Malate, Arginine, and Beetroot extract as Nitric oxide precursors.
- Caffeine: as a stimulant- improve mental alertness, memory, and performance.
- Creatine: not stimulant but increased ATP production- enhanced strength
- Beta-alanine prevents acid buildup in muscle tissue and prevent fatigue thus increased to work harder and longer
- Taurine increases strength, endurance – reduces muscle damage, and helps faster recovery.
- Tyrosine improve cognitive and physical performance
You can pick any Pre-workout havening above all ingredients in proper quantum.
The best time to take Pre-workout is usually 20 to 60 minutes before the workout.
Potential Side Effects:
Its side effect includes dizziness, nausea, heart palpitations, arrhythmias, headache, etc. But It varies from person to person due to the level of stimulants, a typical issues include.
Avoid these things:
- Caffeine intake not to exceed 400 mg/ day otherwise it may experienced jitters, insomnia, stomach upset, etc.
- Specific ingredients that might be avoid like artificial sweetener Aspartame
Beware of some pre-workout supplements having banned substances such as metals, potent stimulants, and banned substances by the word anti-doping agency.
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